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We offer acute care adult inpatient psychiatry at Cox North Hospital in Springfield and at Cox Medical Center Branson.

Patients are evaluated for admission 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Who We Serve

We care for patients who can’t currently carry on the normal activities of life due to overwhelming stress, thought disorders, mood disorders and anxiety. To be admitted, patients must have a primary psychiatric diagnosis, and not be able to receive appropriate care in a less-restrictive setting. For care to be successful, patients must be able to function in, and participate in, treatment. Our inpatient unit at Cox North Hospital in Springfield cares for adult patients ages 18 to 49. Our Branson inpatient unit cares for patients ages 40 to 64.

Our Treatment Approach

We evaluate each patient’s needs, work to stabilize the most significant concerns, and make recommendations for continued treatment. Our team members assess each patient and develop a treatment plan. We work to meet each patient's special needs while recognizing their individuality, dignity and rights.

To meet these goals, team members provide treatment services including psychiatrist services, nursing services, recreational therapy, psychological services, social services and a therapeutic environment. We routinely hold clinical treatment team meetings to evaluate, review, update and revise each patient’s plan of care. This ensures appropriate levels of care and services are always being provided.

We provide continuing care referral services as directed by the psychiatrist-led treatment team, and we coordinate with experts from a variety of specialties, as well as with each patient’s family or guardian.

Visiting Hours

Patients are evaluated for admission 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Visitors are welcome during designated visiting hours.


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