Anti-Gravity Treadmill
Originally designed for NASA astronauts, Differential Air Pressure technology has been adapted for use in training and rehabilitation in the Alter G Anti-Gravity Treadmill.
The treadmill uses air in a pressure-controlled chamber to gently lift you as you walk or run, decreasing the impact on your body. The Alter-G can “unweight” your body in precise 1 percent increments, something no other technology can do. This protects healing tissues, encourages your range of motion, prevents atrophy due to disuse, and encourages a more rapid return of your motor control.
At CoxHealth, Alter-G technology is often used for:
- rehabilitating injuries of your lower extremities
- treating neurological conditions
- weight reduction
- aerobic conditioning
- general training to combat the diseases of aging.
If you have cardiovascular disease, a compromised respiratory system, exercise-induced asthma or angina, acute or chronic back problems, a ruptured or herniated disc, or our pregnant, approach using the Alter-G with caution.
You should not use the anti-gravity treadmill if you have unstable fractures or joints, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or cardiovascular hypotension. As with any exercise program, consult with a physician before you begin.
Visits can be combined for longer sessions. Multi-visit passes are good for 90 days from date of purchase.
*Purchase your own Alter-G shorts at and receive one free session out of 12 or two free sessions out of 20. Paid receipt required.