7:00 am-7:45 am: Check-in, light refreshments, and vendor booths
7:45 am-8:00 am: Welcome: Anjanette LaBellarte, HFO Executive Director and Regina Waters, Ph.D., HFO Board and Event Committee Chair
8:00 am- 8:30 am: Welcome and Opening Plenary Session: “Prognosis is Poor” Keynote: Melissa Gaines, MD, FACP, Director of Hospice and Palliative Care at CoxHealth, Springfield
8:30 am-9:30 am: Concurrent Session I
Breakout A: “Healing Reimagined: An Innovative Palliative Program for Pain” Michelle Goetz, DO FACOI, Mercy, Palliative Care, St. Louis
Breakout B: “Intentionally Interprofessional Palliative Care: A Path from Aspiration to Implementation ” Cara L. Wallace, PhD, LMSW, APHSW-C, Professor St. Louis University, Trudy Busch Valentine School of Nursing
9:30 am-9:45 am: Break/Vendors
9:45 am-11:15 am: “Addressing Cross Cultural Issues at End-of-Life” David B. Hunt, J.D. Senior Director, Health Equity, BCT Partners, Think Cultural Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
11:15am-12:15 pm: Lunch, Networking, and Vendors
12:15 pm-1:15 pm: Concurrent Session II
Breakout A: “Heart of Hospice” Andrew Mayo, MD, HMD, Chief Medical Officer, St. Croix Hospice
Breakout B: “Conversational Triggers and Disease Progression: The Ethics of Shared Decision-Making” Amanda Altobell, MTS, Ph.D.(c), HEC-C, Director of Ethics Mercy Springfield
1:15 pm-1:30 pm: Special Announcement: Randy Bacon Film and Photo Exhibition on Multidisciplinary End-of-Life Care Dr. Melissa Gaines provides overview of the initiative and sneak peak of photo exhibition
1:30 pm-1:45 pm: “Addressing Opportunities in the Hospice Care and Improving Referral Rates and Staff Engagement ” Robert Carolla, MD, retired oncologist
1:45 pm-2:00 pm: Break, afternoon refreshments and vendors
2:00 pm-3:15 pm: Barriers and Solutions to High Quality Serious Illness Management: 10 Practical Problems” Patrick White, MD, PhD, HMDC, FACP, FAAHPM. Chief, Division of Palliative Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine
3:15 pm-3:30 pm: Closing Remarks/Education Evaluation
No relevant financial relationships were identified for any member of the planning committee or any presenter/author of the program content.