Back to Work Breastfeeding Success
About This Event
April 21, 2025 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
In this class, learn how to prepare you, your baby, and caregivers for your successful return to work, including maintaining milk supply, pumps and parts, breastmilk storage, and bottle feeding.
Plan to attend during the first month of your maternity leave. Support person welcome. Babies welcome to attend with you.
Videos of pumping and hand expression will be shown.
Classes are for those that have/will deliver at CoxHealth. Registration required due to max capacity. Register online by clicking "Register Now" or call The Women's Center at 417-269-4664 option two. Registration ends four days before the class or when a class is full.
If you do not receive an email confirmation in a few days you did not successfully register for the class.
Need to make changes after registering? Please call The Women’s Center instead of submitting another online registration.
Event Cancellations
Please note that at this time, events may be canceled or rescheduled as needed. Please call ahead before attending any in-person events.
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