0700-0725 - Registration (Breakfast, if served)
0725-0730 - Welcome/Housekeeping Introductions
0730-0830 - Pediatric Opioid Exposure: A Guide for EMS Professionals in the Identification and Management of this Pediatric Crisis- Joseph Finney, MD
- Examine the current landscape of pediatric opioid exposure
- Review the physiology of opioids and the effect on the body
- Identify key points of action in the prehospital and emergency department setting to care for patients exposed to opioids
- Consider confounders, co-ingestions, and important alternative diagnoses
- Discuss preventative opportunities for communities, hospitals, and EMS agencies
0830-0930 - Pediatric Drowning: A Silent Epidemic- Joseph Finney, MD
- Explore the epidemiology of pediatric drowning
- Understand the pathophysiology of drowning
- Define the prehospital and emergency department priorities in management
- Explore the importance of and priorities for drowning prevention
- Provide resources for drowning prevention
0930-0945 - Break
0945-1045 - How to Make a Mistake: A Brief Guide - Bobby O’Donnell NRP, FP-C, C-NPT
- Identify how heuristic traps can be used as a debrief tool to target how mistakes happen in the clinical setting, aviation, and daily life.
- Evaluate how we develop our mental models and when they need to be remodeled in dynamic settings.
1045-1215 - Thinking about Thinking - Kyle Green, MPA, MA, PMP
- Identify three types of memory used by the human mind.
- Refine strategies for improving individual and team performance in high-stress situations.
1215-1345 - Lunch/Skills Stations
- Cricothyrotomy (Surgical and Needle) – Gwenny Winkler, BA, BSN, RBN, CFRN, CTRN, CCRN
- Finger Thoracostomy and Chest Tube Insertion – Mason Brewer
- Ventilator Management –
- SALAD Intubation –
- IO Insertion – Arin Billingsly, BSN, RN, CFRN, CCRN, EMT-B
- Demonstrate proper technique for managing the difficult airway
- Describe basic mechanical ventilatory theory, breath types, and modes of ventilation
- Perform simulated needle and surgical cricothyrotomies and allow learners to practice
- Demonstrate performance of a finger thoracostomy and chest tube insertion on a mannequin and allow participants to practice
- Show simulated intraosseous access insertion and allow participants to practice
1345-1445 - “It’s In Our Back Yard: Domestic Terrorism on the Rise” – Jason Dush
- Discuss common trends in domestic terrorism impacting first responders
- Discuss response matrix for first responders and hospital systems
1445-1500 - Break
1500-1600 - Human Sex Trafficking – Jason Dush
- Discuss common trends in human sex trafficking
- Discuss common signs of trafficking awareness for first responders and hospital staff
1600-1615 - Evaluations