0700-0725 - Registration (Breakfast, if served)
0725-0730 - Welcome/Housekeeping Introductions
0730-0830 - Vitamins, Supplements, CBD in the elderly - Cydney McQueen, PharmD
- After this presentation, participants should be able to discuss 2 major recommendations for supplementation in elderly patients.
- After this presentation, participants should be able to discuss 2 primary cautions about the use of CBD in elderly patients.
0830-0930 - Meaningful Advance Care Planning – Resources and Reimbursement
Dr. Melissa Gaines, Janice Briggs, Pam Stoelzel
- Name the two most common forms of out of hospital do-not-resuscitate orders, Missouri Out –of –Hospital DNR (MO OHDNR) and Transportable Physician Orders for Patient Preferences (TPOPP).
- Have resources to choose appropriate DNR document for patients who lack capacity.
- Introduce advance care planning to patients and refer them for ACP assistance.
0930-0945 - Break
0945-1045 - Are Some Safety Recommendations for Older Adults Harmful? A Neuroplastic Perspective on Age-Related Mobility and Activity - Jason Shaw
- Relate movement activities of older adults to brain health.
- Critically evaluate the pros and cons of “safe” mobility and activity recommendations provided to older adults.
1045-1145 - Cannabis, Vaping, Harm Reduction and Medical Advice - Dr. Fred Rottnek
- Recall messages of harm reduction that are already part of our culture
- Discuss the risks and benefits of legal and/or prescribed substance use
- Identify ways to reduce risk with legal and/or prescribed substance use
1145-1245 - Lunch
1245-1345 - Leveraging Interprofessional Collaborative Practice to Reduce the Risk of Falls Among Older Adults: The Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries (STEADI) Initiative - Dr. Brad Willis
- Define the CDC’s STEADI initiative and strategies to reduce the risk of falls among older adults.
- Discuss team member roles, responsibilities, and opportunities for interprofessional collaborative practice within the STEADI Initiative.
1345-1445 - The Aging Bias - Dr. Sanford
- Explore the concept of ageism and how deeply-rooted this bias is in each one of us
- Compare and contrast the aging experience of the western culture vs. other cultures
- Gain an awareness of the impact of ageism in the workplace and in the healthcare setting
- Brainstorm on ways to change the ageism narrative within ourselves and surrounding culture
1445-1500 - Break
1500-1600 - Debating the evidence– Dr. Sanford & Dr. Nash
- Learners will develop an understanding of applying current evidence to the use of pharmacologic agents to treat dementia and the use of antivirals for chemoprophylaxis in long-term care settings.
- Analyze the evidence for disease-modifying and symptom-management drugs currently available for the treatment of Alzheimer’s dementia
- Evaluate the evidence for and against using Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) for the treatment and chemoprophylaxis of influenza in older adults
- Scrutinize the evidence for and against using the COVID-19 antiviral medications for the treatment of COVID-19 in older adults
1600-1700 - Panel – Diabetic Panel Discussion
1700-1715 - Evaluations