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Use the checklist below as a reference before submitting copies of all items to Documentation of the following items is required for participation in student learning experiences at CoxHealth.

Applicants must submit all documents at least 30 days before the student experience begins. Submit questions and copies of all documentation to


  • Letter of Good Standing/Attestation Letter from school authorizing your participation in a student experience or clinical rotation and attesting to your compliance to the CoxHealth Student Onboarding policy. School must contact for template.
  • Proof of school’s professional liability insurance coverage acceptable to CoxHealth and with separate limits of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) per claim and three million dollars ($3,000,000) per year. The school bears the expense of this coverage and it is to remain effective during term of agreement. Students are not required to submit a copy of their own professional liability insurance.
  • Professional photo (see passport regulations for guidance). Please notify the Education Center if you will not need a CoxHealth ID badge. Employees are prohibited from wearing their employee ID badge while on site as a student.
  • COVID-19 vaccine: proof of complete vaccination series or declination form:
  • Influenza Vaccination: documentation of seasonal Influenza vaccination or exemption provided by CoxHealth HR