Pink Ribbon Rally & Luncheon set for Oct. 12
Many people throughout the Ozarks have battled breast cancer, or know a loved one who has. Those individuals, as well as their friends and family, are invited to CoxHealth’s 27th annual Pink Ribbon Rally & Luncheon on Saturday, Oct. 12. The event is free to attend, and features a free lunch, crafts, a photo booth, hand massages, prizes and more.
In addition to the activities, nationally recognized author and speaker Kim Becking will speak to attendees about “Riding the Rollercoaster of Life,” and how to enjoy its ups and downs. Lunch will be provided by Chick-fil-A.
The event is free to attend, and will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Hulston Cancer Center (3850 S. National Ave., Springfield). Space is limited, and registration by Oct. 9 is required.
Individuals interested in attending may call 417-269-4636 to register.
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