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CoxHealth raises starting wage to $11 after six months of service to better support employees

January 18, 2019 Newsroom, Springfield

From a desire to invest even more in the lives of employees comes a change in compensation at CoxHealth. Health system leaders have invested $6 million to raise CoxHealth’s starting wage to at least $11 an hour – a figure that’s $3.15 per hour more than Missouri’s minimum wage.

“Employees at all levels in the organization work to ensure that patients are given the best experience and care possible,” says Andy Hedgpeth, vice president of Human Resources at CoxHealth. “Because of this dedication, we feel it’s very important for us to also support our employees. We’re excited to share this news.”

After the change takes effect, employees will earn $10.50 per hour, which increases to $11 after six months of service. The change is part of a plan to regularly increase CoxHealth’s minimum wage, which last rose in August 2017. In addition to future hires, the 2019 change affects nearly 4,500 current CoxHealth employees, who will also receive raises under the adjustment.

In addition to the benefit the increase has for employees directly, health system leaders believe that the change will ultimately facilitate improved organizational performance, and retain employees for longer periods of time, increasing efficiency and cutting costs across the organization.

“Every single one of our employees is vital to fulfilling CoxHealth’s mission of serving this community,” says Steve Edwards, president and CEO of CoxHealth. “We believe that if we invest in our current and future employees, it will be a benefit to everyone. This change will affect our employees’ quality of life, and for us, that is an incredible thing to be part of.”

Recruitment specialists will be on hand to work with candidates to explore various job options at Cox South and Cox Branson on Jan. 29 from 3 – 6 p.m. In Springfield, specialists will be available in Cox South’s West Tower Lobby, and in Branson, inside the Outpatient entrance. On-the-spot interviews will be conducted at both sites.

Individuals interested in a career at CoxHealth may also explore open positions 24/7 at, or call 417-269-5627.