A Case Review Team will be available to respond to requests for a case review as needed. In order to facilitate 24 hour 7 day a week coverage, there are two different contact tracks to follow; one for Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and one for after-hours and weekends.
Monday through Friday (8 a.m.-5 p.m.)
1. Any person wishing to make a request for a case review ("Requester") shall call the Corporate Integrity Department (269-7655) by telephone to request a case review.
2. Corporate Integrity Department shall notify the Vice President of Corporate Integrity (or her/his designee) to inform her/him of the request.
3. The Vice President of Corporate Integrity (or her/his designee) will use her/his best efforts to have an initial discussion with the Requester as quickly as possible under the circumstances. The Vice President of Corporate Integrity will obtain pertinent facts regarding the ethical issue from the Requester (i.e. patient name, family involvement; physician(s) and staff involved in the patient's care; whether patient has a power of attorney or DNR, etc.).
4. The Vice President of Corporate Integrity will contact a Case Review Team Leader to discuss the case. The Vice President of Corporate Integrity and Review Team Leader shall contact at least one other member of the Case Review Committee (such Case Review Committee Member should, if possible, be a person with expertise in the area at issue-i.e. end of life decision making; women and children; etc.).
- Collectively, the Vice President of Corporate Integrity, Case Review Team Leader and the Case Review Committee Member shall determine whether a Formal Case Review would be appropriate. (In order to make this decision, the Vice President of Corporate Integrity, Case Review Team Leader and Case Review Committee Member may consult with the Vice President of Medical Affairs, general counsel, applicable department heads, other Case Review Committee Members and/or may meet with the Requester, treating physician if applicable, and others to help them make this determination). This group will use their best efforts (under the circumstances) to make the determination whether to proceed with a formal case review within 24 hours of the initial request.
- If the Vice President of Corporate Integrity, Case Review Team Leader and Case Review Committee Member collectively determine that a formal case review is not appropriate, then they will otherwise handle the issue as appropriate (this may include referring the issue to the appropriate department, such as Human Resources or the Medical Staff office). If the Vice President of Corporate Integrity, Case Review Team Leader and Case Review Committee Member determine that a Formal Case Review is appropriate, then they shall contact the Corporate Integrity Department to set up a Formal Review, as defined below. If the Vice President of Corporate Integrity, Case Review Team Leader, and Case Review Committee Member differ in opinion on whether the Formal Case Review should occur, then the default will be that a Case Review will be undertaken.
Weekends and After Hours (5 p.m. Friday through Monday morning at 8 a.m.)
1. Requester shall contact the Director of Nursing on call.
2. The Director of Nursing (or her/his designee) will use her/his best efforts to have an initial discussion withthe Requester as quickly as possible under the circumstances. The Director of Nursing will obtain pertinent facts regarding the ethical issue from the Requester (i.e. patient name, family involvement; physician(s) and staff involved in the patient's care; whether patient has a power of attorney or DNR, etc.).
3. The Director of Nursing shall contact the Vice President of Corporate Integrity as soon as possible to informher/him of the request for a case review. If the Vice President of Corporate Integrity is not available, theAdministrator on-call may be contacted to initiate a discussion with a Case Review Team Leader and the Director of Nursing. If a determination is made that a Case Review must occur on the weekend, those individuals should follow the steps under Monday through Friday above beginning at Paragraph 4 with the Administrator on-call functioning in the role of the Vice President of Corporate Integrity's designee